Sunday, 23 November 2008

The End Of The World

It has to happen some day! rite? but the later the better no doubt. global warming, the prophecies,soaring prices.. people say these are signs that the end is near. and now we'r going way overboad with the whole 2012 thing just because the mayan calander says so(and a few others too co-incidentaly) now the major dellima.well if humanity is going to end why not make the best of the little time we have left and enjoy it to the fullest.who need's to save?,who need's to eat healthy?,why should kids study?, but the confusing part is that people still go on with their normal life living like there is a future..and the reason for this is that this is not the first time the world's end was prophecesed, its happened before too, in my little existence on this planet the end was prophecesed once to my 2000 the world was going to end but we'r still the past too many have said that we'r gonna be no more but later to be proven wrong.
"End of the world!! " yes?? no?? well i dont know..but we'l sure find out in 2012 guess its best to ignore the inevitable till then..

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